06 January 2011


Listen: Let's Start Something.MP3


Andy I was feeling a little pyromaniacal. A little bit of dual meaning here, if it isn’t blaringly obvious. It could be the flame of inspiration, or a darker, more sinister desire for destruction. Combine that with the music and take from it what you will.

This began with Andy's photo, which I rather liked. However, for the longest time no specific musical ideas came to mind. I was stuck .... 6 days in and already at a loss of ideas. His original title had been "Let's Start Something," and I think it was inspired by the beginning of our project in general. So the idea of 'starting' in a more general sense and less a flammable sense started to percolate and I wound up with what is, essentially, a little musical joke. Basically, it's an intro, with no actual piece. It's the start of a piece, sort of a jazz band-type thing you might expect to hear kick off "Sing Sing Sing." Yet nothing ever comes...... (I'm here all night ...)

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